Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Human touch in Knowledge Management

I recently read a very interesting blog entry Please put the human back in knowledge management by Jurgens Pieterse. The entire article is a gem of a read. A particular section that I found particulary thought provoking is 'The purpose of knowledge management must be to increase the decision making competence of individuals within the organizations. If we do not improve the competency of our employees then knowledge management is on the wrong track.' This does make a lot of sense, but ensuring that the knowledge management in the organization directly transforms into the improvement of competence in an organization is a huge responsibility on the shoulders of us knowledge managers!
Also the point that some of the issues of knowledge management that are presently existing in organizations are the same that existed years back. Questions like :-
- "How do I get people to want to share their knowledge?"
- "How do I get people to capture their knowledge into a place where it can be referenced?"
- "How do we define the business case for knowledge management?"
- "How do we measure knowledge management?"
- "What are the implementation steps of knowledge management?"
Why is that so? Knowledge Management is no longer a new field. But some questions I guess die hard. Any suggestions?
Anyway do read the article by Jurgens Pieterse. It surely is worth your precious time!!

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